Python Barcelona: octubre 2015
22 de octubre de 2015 - iCalendar para este eventoPublicado: | Más publicaciones sobre
Reunión Python Barcelona el jueves 22 de octubre de 2015 a las 19:00. Skyscanner, Plaza de Catalunya, 1, edificio "El Triangle", quinta planta, Barcelona.
Las charlas propuestas son:
"Api By Example"
Speaker: Carles Barrobés (@technomilk)
[Duration: 10 min] - English
"ofxPython: embedding Python into C++"
Speaker: Carles F. Julià (@chaosct)
[Duration: 25 min] - English
Web crawling with Notebook and Selenium
Speaker: Silvia Puglisi
[Duration: 20 min] - English
Data structures beyond dicts and lists
Speaker: Sergi Sorribas
[Duration: 25 min] - English
If you want to give a talk at the next python Meetup, please submit your ideas through this form:
Se recomienda inscribirse en el meetup del grupo y hacer constar la asistencia.
Access Control:
There is access control in the building, so we are going to provide them the list with atendees names. Make sure you have your full name in your profile.
Limited to 60 seats, please be responsible when signing up.